

Lead4Change is honored to have the support and expertise shown here.

Presenting Foundations

The Lead4Change Student Leadership program is brought to you by The Foundation for Impact on Literacy and Learning, together with Lift a Life Foundation and the Yum! Brands Foundation. Learn more about our foundations.

Educator Advisory Board

Our Board members represent a cross section of:

  • Educator Roles – teachers, principals, administrators, association leaders
  • Subject Areas & Grade Levels
  • Geographic Diversity

These 26 Advisors provide input and feedback to the sponsoring foundations and mentoring to potential and participating teachers. Please read more about each of them – and we invite you to connect and engage with them to make Lead4Change even better. Learn more about our Advisory Board!

Supporting Associations

Our supporters include Educational Associations and School Districts who offer strong support, endorsement and involvement with Lead4Change.
We invite you to read more about our supporters and engage with them via their website and email links.  They each encourage their members to participate in Lead4Change and refer other educators. Learn more about our Supporting Associations.

Lead4Change Certified Schools and Clubs

Find more information on how your school or club can qualify, by viewing the Lead4Change Certified Schools Rubric for Qualification.  The Lead4Change 2016 Schools and Clubs will be announced in September.